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Please take the time to read and enjoy my poetry! It is my ongoing project and I am looking forward to translating my poems into Turkish, Portuguese, and French. JFB

May 20, 20232 min read
I am the dumb animal who speaks.
One of my least favorite terms is “dumb animal.” I believe that the term comes from animals being “dumb,” In the sense that they cannot...
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May 20, 20231 min read
Open your eyes to hope
Open your eyes to hope. Despair is no more than limited sight. Despair is blindness. When I felt despair, I was unable to see beyond the...
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May 14, 20231 min read
Justice and Mercy... and Grace. An Addendum
My friend, Jim Bishop, responded to me with a thought from my previous post that I didn't want to lose. He said: "Mercy is not getting...
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May 13, 20231 min read
Justice and Mercy.
Justice and Mercy. The Psalmist says that the Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in kindness. The Qu'ran tells us that...
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May 6, 20232 min read
It's My Indian Summer: Sixty-Seven Trips Around the Sun.
Tomorrow, 7 May is my birthday. I turn 67, but the overwhelming emotion I feel is of gratitude for a happy and blessed life, full of...
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May 5, 20231 min read
The Beauty in Scars
There are societies that purposely create scars. Because they find them beautiful. That sounds strange to us, As we would probably prefer...
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May 4, 20231 min read
Betrayed by the Cedar Waxwing
You love a bird and it turns out to be a complete phony. No wonder he wears a mask. I had, at least, I thought I had… A very special...
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May 1, 20231 min read
Just ask the red-shouldered hawk--I am the alien invader.
A cedar waxwing, a blue jay, a goldfinch, a white-winged dove, a red-shouldered hawk, A monarch butterfly, several squirrels, a rabbit...
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Apr 24, 20231 min read
May Breezes.
A pleasant cool breeze hit my face Just as April is ending. Bearing the smell of some flowering bush But it wasn’t a lilac. It made me...
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Apr 10, 20231 min read
Biz yıldız tozundan yapıldık. We are made of stardust.
My friend said that we are made of stardust. Physics says this is true, as all the elements in our bodies came from stars and may have...
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Apr 8, 20231 min read
Spring's New Life! Watch the buds!
Good morning and please stop your other busy activities and enjoy the pleasure of spring, and the festivals of joy. I cannot be sad when...
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Apr 1, 20231 min read
The Path is Long and Lonely. Where does it go?
Lately I have had several young friends talk to me about their path and I heard a calling to be there. This is dedicated to them. Young...
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Mar 31, 20231 min read
Each Human Soul is God's Flower
I write this and think of flowers in my life. Each human soul is God’s flower. Now, not every flower looks the same, Smells the same, or...
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Mar 23, 20233 min read
Listening is a gift for two and nine more things I have learned.
Getting old is actually fun sometimes, because you "get" things that you may not have quite grasped earlier in your life. I posted 10...
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Mar 21, 20231 min read
Spring Rain
The sky is a spring rain sky, a particular shade of whitish gray, and a light rain is falling. Gentle and steady, making only the...
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JF Bierlein
Mar 15, 20232 min read
Gratitude: A Meditation on a Milestone
March 19 is a special day for me—a second birthday. For on March 19, 2012, I broke my spine after a fall, lost the use of my legs, and...
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JF Bierlein
Mar 13, 20231 min read
A Lesson From My Orange Tree
A Lesson from My Orange Tree There an orange tree in my yard that has been there for many years. Most years it produces more fruit that...
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Mar 11, 20233 min read
Ten Important Things I have Learned: Love is Stronger than Death and Nine Others.
I am about to turn 67 and I have actually had people ask me what important things I have learned. This carries the presumption that...
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